Tomorrow marks the start of 2014. A lot has happened in my life this last
year. I packed up everything I owned and
took a huge chance by moving halfway across the country to a place where I knew
very few people…all with the hopes of not just bettering myself, but really
discovering who I am as a person. I’ve
been through a lot in my 29 years. From watching
alcoholism tear my family apart to a car accident in high school that could
have taken my life to losing my dad and hero at a young age to watching my mom
slowly deteriorate and nearly die. But
throughout it all, I have survived and thrived.
Looking back now, I really can’t tell you what I was looking for by
moving out here, but I can tell you what I’ve learned.
I didn’t get a chance to ride my horse yesterday until late
in the afternoon. The sun was starting
to go down over the horizon and it was beginning to feel pretty chilly. But writing this blog is not something I’m
doing because I think I’m a big deal…I’m doing it because it inspires me (and
hopefully others) to get off my ass and do what I love because I love it! I know just as well as anyone how hard it is
when you get home from working all day to go saddle your horse and ride. And I’m damn sure not trying to encourage
everyone to run out and quit their jobs like I did! But I feel like if I actually set a goal and
achieve it, perhaps others will realize that they can do it too! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doing this for
anyone but myself! But I AM documenting
it so that maybe, just maybe, someone may read it and realize that their dreams
can be reality too.
So there I was, trying to get my time in on my horse before
the sun went down, and I noticed my thoughts drifting towards everything I have
accomplished and learned in 2013. I don’t
know about you, but when I am horseback, my mind is clear. Annie Oakley said it best, “Any woman who
does not enjoy tramping across the country on a clear, frosty morning with a
good gun and a pair of dogs does not know how to enjoy life.” While I wasn’t actually packing heat, it was
late afternoon, and I wouldn’t necessarily consider my mutts “good dogs”, I get
where she was going with that statement!
The first thing that came to my mind is, I did it! I woke up one
morning with a dream of leaving home and finding myself, away from everything
that was comfortable to me, and that is exactly what I did. I took a dream and I made it reality. Was it everything I hoped for…well, no. Not really.
In my dream, I would come out here and things would be really easy. I hoped for an amazing job that I loved,
maybe find me a man that could tolerate me, and I would rope ALL THE TIME! That is not even close to what really
transpired. I came out here broke to
death. I spent all my money moving and
had to borrow my first month’s rent money from my best friend. That great job I wanted ended up being a
waitressing job that I HATED where I was making $2.15 an hour and living off of
tips that barely got me by. Things
really didn’t start out so slick. But I
stuck with it. My “cowgirl
determination” kept me hanging on.
Eventually a little better job came around, I got a couple of roommates
that helped cover expenses, and I began to get back on my feet.
But my dreams still haven’t come true out here in
Texas. My new job really kept me
busy. Anyone who has ever worked for a
performance horse trainer knows exactly what I’m talking about. After riding ten to fifteen horses a day, the
last thing I wanted to do was come home and ride my own. A year flew by and I realized I had been on
my horse only a handful of times. I was
being a selfish horse owner by even keeping him!
So what have I
learned? I have learned that the only
one who can change your situation is you!
If you aren’t happy, then you have to do something about it. I was working my life away for someone else
and I wasn’t even enjoying life. I was
unable to even try to accomplish any of the goals that I had set for myself before
moving out here (no matter how unrealistic they were) because I was overworked
and underappreciated. I can’t tell you
how many times I prayed for guidance on what to do. Perhaps God was giving me sign after sign and
I just wasn’t seeing it. But after a
disagreement about something totally dismal with my boss, I took it as the sign
I had been asking for and decided it was time to take my chances and move

Another thing that I’ve learned since being out here is that
no matter how hard you try, you can’t make people like you and the cold, hard
truth is that if they don’t like you, it’s THEIR loss! I had one person
repeatedly tell me that I care too much about what other people think about
me. I need to just be myself. It donned on me finally…the fact that I care
too much IS me being myself! I am a
people pleaser and that will never change.
And what is so wrong with that anyway?
Yes, I am putting myself at risk to get my feelings hurt. But that is why God gave me such a huge a
heart! He makes you in His image and you
are PERFECT just the way you are. It’s
not that I care so much what people think about me, I’ve never tried to be
something that I’m not. But I do care
about making others happy and bringing joy into their lives. Nothing wrong with that!

I’m not exactly where I want to be in life right now, but I
am exactly where I need to be. I am on
the right path to success and I am so excited for what is to come in 2014. Last year I set some goals for myself and
although things didn’t go exactly as planned, I survived. I am now living 2500 miles away from
home. Home: a place where everyone knows
me and loves me. Home: a place where I
am 100% comfortable and nothing is a surprise.
I wanted to discover who I was and better myself outside of my element and
that is exactly what I did! And since I
accomplished my goals in 2013, I know I can do it again in 2014. I WILL focus on the things that make me happy
and I WILL, once again, have success. It
won’t be easy, but the best things never are.
The greatest challenges reap the greatest rewards.
I end today with another quote I love from a famous
cowgirl. “There’s something about ranch
life that you don’t give up. Everything
I ever did was for a ranch…I’ve been so hot I could have died. I’ve been so cold I thought I’d freeze. I’ve been so tired I thought I’d drop. But you just go on…I don’t know that I have
accomplished great things, but I haven’t been a failure.” --Hallie Crawford Stillwell, Texas Rancher
Truly inspiring Lacey! You're an amazing woman...Thank you for sharing.....your words and experience have just helped pick me up.