I struggled with my writing yesterday. What usually flows out of me very organically
and spiritually seemed slightly forced.
But the message apparently reached and touched some people, so in the
long run, I was pleased. I was afraid
that the weather yesterday was going to keep me indoors…boy, was I wrong! It turned out to be a gorgeous day. After spending the majority of my day trying
to pump out some interesting reading material, I went home and saddled up Solo
to do some work. It’s always kind of
hard to stay motivated. I am not getting
paid to do what I am doing so I there’s always that allure of just sitting on
the couch and doing nothing all day. Fortunately, that isn’t the way that I was
brought up so sitting around makes me restless and bored…then I can’t sleep at
night, I start stressing about things I shouldn’t…basically it sends me into a
negative downward spiral. Therefore, it’s
best for me not to take breaks and find stuff to do until it gets dark out.
By the time I got home from writing, the clouds had rolled
away and the sun was out. It was a
gorgeous 55 degrees out…t-shirt weather.
I pulled Solo out of his stall and saddled him up. As I was loping around, I realized that for
the first time in a long time, my mind was clear. I wasn’t worried or excited. I wasn’t stressed or nervous. I was simply at peace. I generally find that while I’m horseback, I
spend a lot of time in conversation with God.
I wasn’t even doing that. It was
just quiet.
After loping, I started working on some logging drills. Solo has come such a long way already in the
few weeks that I have been training on him.
He is really quartering out nicely, taking the sled and pulling it at a
slight angle, ready to face whenever I stick that right spur in him. His face has really improved as well. He knows that when that spur touches he needs
to spin around and keep that rope tight.
I’m impressed with him. He is a
fast learner and he has a lot of heart. Since
it was such a nice day, I decided to do a few more drills. I grabbed a rope and started loping him into
position, throwing, and then taking him off to the left a ways before spinning
him around to face…basically a complete run, without a moving target. He is really ready to be on live cattle.
Today, I came into Starbucks as I always do, to write this
blog. I had an idea in my head of what I
was going to write about, but once I got here and sat down, everything
changed. There are two women who I see
in here almost every day. We have always
said hello to each other, smiled, and sometimes even engaged in small
talk. Today, that all turned around. I overheard them all having a conversation
about dating and where to meet guys. I
sat quietly in the corner thinking about how I would just LOVE to be a part of
that conversation considering in the past few months, I have just about tried
everything to meet like-minded people of the opposite sex! Thoughts started running through my head so
quickly. I have been in Texas for over a
year now and I have two girls that I really consider good friends. This could be a great opportunity for meet to
perhaps meet and make some new friends. What
the heck was I waiting for! What was the
worst that could happen? They could look
at me like I’m crazy and not talk to me… well, let’s face it, it wouldn’t be
the first time something like that has happened to me. I decided to speak up. After entering the conversation, I found out
that two of these women were from California, just like me. We are all very similar in a lot of ways:
single, ambitious, outgoing, and independent.
One split second of deciding whether or not to join a conversation
turned into three hours of getting to know one another. Turns out one of them ropes (heels) and the
other one owns an indoor arena with 30 head of nice steers. The Lord works in mysterious ways!!
God always has a way of giving you what you really
need. Here I have been sitting around
praying, asking for an opportunity to go and rope live cattle nearby, and He
puts me in the path of two women who think like me, feel like me, and share the
same ambitions that I do. I have prayed
relentlessly to meet new people and make new friends out here…give me a sign
that this is where I need to be! And what
happens? He offers me up potential
friendship with women who are on the same page that I am! Matthew
7: 7-8 says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you; For everyone who asks, receives; the
one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” I don’t know where this newfound acquaintanceship
will lead, but I do know that I am one step closer to developing meaningful
relationships with people out here so far from home, plus I found a spot where
I can rope and work on more horse RAIN OR SHINE! Hallelujah!
It never fails, whenever I start thinking I’m not making any
progress, I get shown that I really am.
A huge part of our conversation today was based on networking and how
important it truly is for anything that you do in life. I’m not saying that everyone has to put their
entire lives on display like I do, but so many people don’t realize that every
single person you meet has some sort of purpose in your life! Some people are there to love and support you
and some are there to teach you a lesson of some sort…however, all are put in
your path for a reason. I am so thankful
for today. I have been reminded that I
am a likeable woman who has never been the kind to sit silently without
friends. I have always been outgoing and
I have always networked myself with people all over the world. Moving to a place where I know very few
people has been a challenge. There are a
lot of people here who think much differently than I do. But, if you look really hard and you put yourself
out there to people, eventually you are going to meet more and more people who
think like you do.
f all goes as planned, I will be meeting up with these
ladies this weekend and starting to rope with them next week. I am looking forward to not only making progress
with my horse, but also making progress with developing lasting friendships
with other people out here. I end again
with a quote from and unknown author, “Remember today, for it is the beginning
of always. Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your
dreams can hold. Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true.”
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