Things have been pretty hectic around here for the last
couple of months.
Work has kept me away
from home, and the weather has been cold and crappy.
I went home for a while to visit the family
for Christmas.
I’m trying to buy a
Basically, all of these things
have kept me off my horses and away from writing.
But this last week, I was close to home for
work and the weather was beautiful.
were no excuses not to ride, and I couldn’t wait to start breaking in that new
My first day out, both Solo and Kid Rock were heinous
creatures to be around. They were hot
and fresh (which reminds me that I am on a diet and pizza sounds delicious…sorry,
sidetracked easily). They were running
over the top of me, running away with me,
not paying attention to anything I was trying to get them to do…just
being all-around jerks. For those of you
who know me, you know I grew up on a ranch with a dad who was very “cowboy”
about things. Almost everything that I
learned, I learned from him. I try to
pick up as much knowledge as I can from others along the way, but my roots lie
with my dad. Some people may disagree
with my tactics, and that is just fine.
You don’t have to like the way I do things, just as I don’t have to
agree with your methods (we will talk a little more on this later!). That night, my horses stayed saddled and tied
up. All night. It’s a little thing that I like to call “thinking

The next morning, they were ready to go to work.
Their attitudes were completely different and
they were starting to act like my horses again.
After a big lay-off like that, sometimes you
have to do a little attitude adjusting and then get back to the basics.
Again, I am no expert and I am not telling
you these stories so you can do what I do…I am simply sharing a little insight
into my life.
I am just like most people…I
do get rough on things once in a while and then I feel guilty about it.
I know that one mistake made with a horse can
take months to fix.
We all get angry and
do things we probably shouldn’t.
applies to everything in life.
And if we
do, then we need to realize our mistake and try to make it right.
I spent that first day fighting with my
That was the wrong way to go
about it.
I have since been relying on
the basics to refresh my horse’s minds and get them back into the shape that
they were in last fall when I was riding every day.
Slowly, but surely, they are both coming

But what I really want to talk about today is differences in
I met with an old family friend
this morning for breakfast.
She and I
had never met until today, although she has been reading my blog and following
me on Facebook for some time.
She made a
comment that stuck with me.
“I love you
I have been following your
Facebook and although my opinions sometimes differ from yours…”
We’ll trail off there, because the “difference
of opinion” part is the part I want to touch on.
(Disclaimer: this was not said with any kind
of spite or snarkiness…she was just stating a fact that I am sure most people
would agree with about me!)
I don’t share
my opinions because I want everyone to be like me or I am trying to brainwash
your thinking.
I do it because I am
extremely outspoken and very strong-willed, and I encourage people to enlighten
me and present me with intellectual challenge whenever possible!
With that being said, after breakfast was
over, I was reading a post on Facebook that a horsewoman whom I wholeheartedly respect
and admire had posted.
It was basically
a defensive post regarding horse color (something I will gladly admit, sometimes
I am quite ignorant to and after reading her very intelligent responses
regarding the matter, I’m not going to lie…I felt stupid).
I am sure that this post was not directed at
me…but then again, perhaps it was, as I have made ignorant comments regarding
color in the past and will probably make the mistake of doing it again.
And here’s why:
Opinions are like assholes…everyone has one.
Before you get mad, hear me out.
We all have preferences.
I prefer a bay gelding, solid, no white, with
hard, black feet and a long, thick mane and tail.
Half the time, I could care less how he’s
bred or if he has papers.
He could be a
solid Appy for all I know or care.
long as he works and I get along with him, that is all that matters.
However, I currently only own sorrels…maybe
one of the most underrated colors there is!
And, I LOVE them both and think they are both gorgeous, smart, athletic,
and talented!
One is registered and
cowhorse bred and the other is grade and I am not sure what the hell he
He is miserable and counterfeit most
of the time (maybe a Hancock bred Paint horse…just kidding, another outspoken
opinion!), but I love him.
Here’s my
point…you CAN’T ride color.
Color doesn’t
make the horse.
Just as most of the
time, papers don’t make the horse either.
Genetically, my parents could be millionaires and I could turn out to be
a broke-ass junkie on welfare with 15 kids.
It’s all in how you raise them.
Furthermore, it doesn’t matter what I think,
or what you think, or what he thinks, or she thinks!
I am one person amongst millions who makes
tons of mistakes daily.
I don’t have to
like what you like.
You don’t have to
like what I like.
It is ok to have a
difference of opinion.

There was a time in my life when I didn’t give two shits…ok,
not even one shit…about other people’s opinions.
But the fact of the matter is if you don’t at
least hear other people out, how are you going to make educated decisions?!
There are some things in life that people will
never, ever change my mind about.
example, you can’t make me think spiders are cute.
I don’t care if you think they have
I will squash the life right
out of them!
They are scary and
That is my opinion.
If you want to cover yourself in spiders and
take selfies, have at it.
But, you aren’t
going to change my mind.
That doesn’t mean
I don’t respect or admire you.
I guess
what I am getting at here is don’t let differences of opinion keep you from
liking or getting to know someone.
were all created to be unique by a perfect God who gave us hearts to feel and
minds to think freely.
Respect the
opinions of others.
No one is asking you to
believe as they do.
They are just
voicing their thoughts.
Agree to
disagree, if you must.
I don’t usually write blog posts that are rant-like, but I
just really wanted to get that off of my chest.
It seems like so many people lately get so offended by differences of
opinion and it blows my mind! With that
all being said, I wish you all a great rest of the week. I have been eating this weather up, but alas,
that is all about to change in the week to come! I am hoping to be roping again soon, but with
moving and weather and all sorts of other excuses, I am not sure that I will
get to it again until spring. I am using
my horses as exercise since I loathe going to the gym (did you know trotting a
horse for an hour burns nearly 500 calories?), so at least I am keeping them
ridden now. It will be an easy
transition once I find a place to start practicing again. Happy trails, my friends, and may you be blessed
in every way imaginable!
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