It was Thanksgiving weekend.
I was feeling very thankful…thankful for all the blessings I have in my
life including my ability to own and rope on nice horses. So why the heck have my horses been sitting
for a month and a half with nobody riding them?
I have been going to the chiropractor now for about a month and I was
finally starting to feel better. After a
fun night out in Fort Worth, I decided I would wake up and go rope at a little,
local jackpot on Sunday. Because I
haven’t been on Kid Rock in over a month and I know how he is, I got up nice
and early and saddled him. Then I went
in and showered and ate breakfast and watched the news. I finally mustered up the nerve to go out and
lope him for a while. I knew I had
better lope him down really well before taking him to a jackpot. He was liable to lawn dart my butt if I just
climbed on, rode in the box, said a prayer, and nodded. After about a good 30 or 40 minute lope job,
I loaded him in the trailer, and off we went!
I started getting a little nervous as I quickly approached
Bar B Arena. What was I thinking!? I haven’t practiced in months and I haven’t
even been on my horse in just as long. I
was still recovering from the last time Kid Rock and I had a little wreck. Another one like it and I could really be in
rough shape! I am getting entirely too
old for this crap! But, I was already in
the parking lot so I might as well treat it like a practice and go have some

First warning should have been when I saw that they raised
the entry fees from $60 to $75.
But I
entered anyway.
Second warning, they
drew me an extra heading run.
I’m now up
to $100.
Yeah…I need to probably win my
fees back.
I back in the box on my first
My nerves are a little tight, but
I’m trying to stay relaxed.
rider equals relaxed nag.
I call for my
steer and he’s basically a miserable piece of crap, to say the least.
He breaks slow, he runs hard, he runs left,
he runs right…I’m just running behind him trying to get a shot with no luck
First steer and I don’t
even get to throw my rope.
I apologize to my heeler.
That was pretty embarrassing, but I’m just
glad that I didn’t get bucked off!
My second steer wasn’t much better than my first, but I
roped him and waved it off. This was
turning out to be a spectacular day for me!
Oh, but it gets worse…much worse!

I call for my third steer.
I break the barrier but I turn him, and my heeler snags a leg.
18.5…not good, but it’s a time and in this
roping, 3 down equals money.
My fourth
steer is where things went wrong.
I nod
my head.
My horse gets out perfect.
I throw my rope.
The steer stops.
I grab a quick dally.
I look back and see I have one horn.
I start to undally.
My horse starts bucking.
And bucking.
And bucking.
I am riding
I am trying to pull up his head and
get undallied all at the same time.
Pretty soon, I feel myself starting to hang off the side.
I know I can pull myself in the saddle if I
could just get rid of this friggin’ rope!!
Too late, I know I’m going down.
I think to myself, “This isn’t too bad.
I’m not going to hit hard.”
held onto the reins as I hit the dirt on the left side of my mid-back.
Thank God, I didn’t land on my head
I didn’t even tweak my neck!
Although I am livid pissed, I am ok.
I think about being really mad at my horse,
but he is just standing there looking at me.
He may be an asshole, but he’s not an idiot so I still don’t dislike
I get up and instantly feel pain in
my back on that left side.
I gather myself up and dust myself off.
To belly kick him or not to belly kick
That is the question.
Everyone is looking.
Eff it…I belly kick him one time.
He doesn’t even flinch and I feel like even
more of a jack ass.
A few people ride up
and ask me if I’m ok and I let them know I am.
I may be a little sore, but I am far from too hurt to finish
Besides, I have one down and
that’s my only chance at money today.
“Get it together,” I tell myself.
I ride out of the arena away from everyone and give Kid Rock a quick
Come-To-Jesus pep talk (better known as an ass whippin’ for all you horse
I back in the box to rope my second round steer. My horse works amazing and we have a clean
run. We are sitting low in the high
teams, but I am well aware that the short round typically falls apart at this
roping. Sure enough, the five teams
sitting ahead of me miss. I go out and
rope my steer and my heeler snags another leg.
One more team to go. If they
miss, I win the money and the buckle.
What are the odds of that happening?
Get bucked off and then come back to win the same roping?! Ha!
Just my luck, the last team misses.
I win the roping after being bucked off, breaking out, and having my heeler
rope two legs! Call me Lady Luck!

It just goes to show you that everyone has bad days.
Sometimes, it’s not just about your skill,
but also your luck.
I easily could have
ridden out of that arena not just empty handed, but also hurt pretty
But, I kept a positive attitude
and had faith in myself and in God, and once again, it proved to be the right
thing to do.
God always has your
As long as you believe in Him and
pray to Him often, He will take care of you.
You have to BELIEVE that He has your best interest at heart.
I have stepped up in my ability
this year as a roper.
I have taken on a
horse that is not as easy as a few of the horses that I have had in the past,
but he is a much higher caliber horse.
And although he tests me from time to time, I have won more on him in
the short time that I have had him than I have on any other horse.
I don’t know why he does the things he
I have had a lot of people say,
“There’s too many good horses out there to ride a bad one!”
Well, maybe I’m crazy.
Maybe he will hurt me so bad that I can’t
ride anymore.
Hell, maybe he’ll kill
But every time you climb on horse,
you take that chance.
Every time you get
in a car, you take that chance.
time you cross the street, you take that chance!
That doesn’t mean you quit doing it!
Obviously, I love a challenge.
Kid Rock is not malicious or stupid.
He is just quirky.
He doesn’t buck super hard and he doesn’t do
it continuously.
It’s just once in a
So, I’ll continue to take my chances with my quirky horse
because although he sometimes puts me on the “Injured” list, I still love the
silly booger. You have to listen to your
own heart. And that goes for anything in
life. It’s ok to take advice from
others, but at the end of the day, you just have to pray about it and make up
your own mind.
Roper Girl updates:
I will be going home for Christmas this year. It will be my first holiday home in 2 years! I fully intend on enjoying every second possible with my family and friends (not horseback!).
It is confirmed that I will be roping in the Reno Rodeo All Girl this year with Erin Marie Jasper. We were supposed to rope last year, but unforeseen circumstances made that impossible. We are fully prepared to enter up and kick butt this year.
I am very sad that I was unable to attend the World Series and NFR in Vegas this year. I am hoping that if I rope anywhere near as good in 2015 as I did this last year, I will qualify for the World Series and have the opportunity to rope for more money than I have ever dreamed of!
I intend on hauling Kid Rock out for the All Girl and continuing to rope on Solo as a practice and small jackpot horse. I would like to start breakaway roping and even heeling on Solo next year. My idea is to haul Kid Rock out in June and leave him with some friends for a couple of months. I will then be able to fly out for certain ropings such as Taylorsville over the 4th and my dad's roping in August and not take any days off of work and not have to haul my horse out every time. This will give me an opportunity to actually ride my own horse at these ropings versus borrowing a horse every time.
Getting bucked off may have been the best thing for me. I don't know if it was the combination of months of chiropractic work and hitting the ground just right or what, but after the pain from initially hitting the ground subsided, I felt like a million bucks. My chiropractor and I both are surprised that I no longer feel any back or neck pain at all since I hit the ground that day. When I went in for my appointment yesterday, we both were shocked at how easily my back popped and moved (something that we had struggled with for well over a month of appointments!). Blessings happen in ways that we would never ever expect!
Thank you to all of my avid readers! Without your support, none of this would be possible! I am so blessed!
Roper fast, my friends, and have a blessed day!